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Luther Strange
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Alabama Attorney General
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Program encourages kids to “say ‘YES’ to a healthy lifestyle and ‘NO’ to underage drinking”

(MONTGOMERY) – Attorney General Luther Strange has partnered with The
Century Council’s Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix program to motivate 700
students at Capitol Heights Middle School to say ‘YES’ to a healthy lifestyle and ‘NO’ to
underage drinking. Attorney General Strange introduced the program in an assembly
with students at the school today.
“Middle schoolers are at a critical age where it’s important for them to know the
decisions they make now can affect their chances for success in the future” said
Attorney General Strange. “I’m proud to partner with Capitol Heights Middle School
and Ask, Listen, Learn to help share this message during Alcohol Awareness Month
across Alabama.”
The Century Council provides schools with games that enable youth to learn
about the negative consequences of underage drinking and the benefits of making
healthy decisions while they exercise. The multimedia program includes a game and
print materials, with a website presenting a pledge to live a healthy lifestyle, online
games and pages featuring Ask, Listen, Learn Superstars.
Capitol Heights Principal Bobby Abrams commended The Century Council’s
efforts to reach his students on this key issue. “We’re delighted to have Ask, Listen, Learn
at Capitol Heights, along with Attorney General Luther Strange. Our students love
learning about healthy lifestyle choices, especially through interactive games, but the
best part is that they bring what they learn home to their families to start collaborative
conversations about underage drinking.”
“The availability of alcohol to underage youth has declined for more than a
decade, yet 11 percent of 8th graders report they have consumed alcohol in the past
month,” said Ralph Blackman, president and CEO of The Century Council. Attorney
General Strange said, “Making sure children are aware of the dangers of underage
drinking and making responsible choices is a long-term investment in the safety of
everyone in Alabama.”
501 Washington Avenue Montgomery, AL 36104 (334) 242-7300