Human Trafficking Information

ABOUT THE ALLIANCE Attorney General Steve Marshall has partnered with Lead Service Provider, the WellHouse, and other agencies across the state to enhance collaboration and provide an advanced response to combatting human trafficking in Alabama. United in Action and engaged in solutions.  The Alabama Anti-Human Trafficking Alliance (“Alliance”) shares investigative resources to indict and prosecute […]

Sexual Assault Survivor’s Rights

Alabama Act No. 2021-481 (Section 15-23-120 through Section 15-23-124, Ala. Code) created the Sexual Assault Survivor’s Bill of Rights.  Further, the Act requires the Alabama Attorney General establish a Sexual Assault Task Force. The Task Force meets several times throughout the year and consists of seventeen members appointed by various public and private entities. The Act requires the […]

Victim Notification

Victim Assistance Hotline: 1-800-626-7676 Click here: Alabama Victim Notification System Crime Victim Information Please ensure the Alabama Attorney General’s Office of Victim Assistance has your current address. You may not be notified of the sex offender’s release if you do not fill out this form. The Alabama Attorney General’s Office of Victim Assistance can be […]

Victim Assistance Information

Created on January 11,1988, the Attorney General’s Office of Victim Assistance (AGOVA) was established to provide statewide assistance to victims of violent crime. The journey through the justice system can be traumatic, especially for victims of violent crime. AGOVA offers victims and victims’ families a place they can turn to before and after their offender […]