Fantasy Sports Operators
Fantasy Sports Operators

Renewal Fees:

Fantasy contest operators in excess of $10 million shall pay a renewal registration fee of $85,000. All other fantasy contest operators shall pay an initial registration fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000).

Alabama law requires fantasy contest operators to register with the Attorney General’s Office. (Fantasy Contests Act, Section 8-19F-3 of the Code of Alabama).

Note: All registrations will be for the period of one year, or a part thereof, expiring on December 31st of each year.

As required by Alabama Amendment 621, all fantasy sports operators must, within 60 days application availability, register with the Attorney General’s office.

Please mail the completed form along with the appropriate amount made payable to Office of the Attorney General-Alabama to: Alabama Attorney General ATTN: Fantasy Sports Registration, PO Box 300152 Montgomery, AL 36130-0152