August 3, 2021
For press inquiries only, contact:
Mike Lewis (334) 353-2199
Joy Patterson (334) 242-7491
Attorney General Steve Marshall Releases Public Guidance Addressing Impact of Vaccination Passport Law on Educational Institutions
(MONTGOMERY) – Attorney General Steve Marshall today released public guidance addressing the impact of Alabama’s new vaccination passport law on educational institutions in the state.
After the Attorney General’s initial public guidance of July 26, 2021, addressing the legal questions about Alabama’s 2021 vaccination law, the Office has received additional questions related to the law’s application to educational institutions.
This new public notice provides guidance related to several questions that have arisen in the education context including schools requiring proof of vaccination as a condition for (1) entering campus, (2) avoiding new burdens on attending school, and (3) participating in additional activities the school offers in conjunction with third parties that require proof of vaccination.
Both the new and initial guidances are linked below.
Attorney General’s new guidance relating to educational institutions is found here.
Attorney General’s initial guidance on the state vaccination law is found here.
[For links, click PDF icon at upper right of press release]