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Alabama led four new multistate briefs defending laws banning radical sex change treatments on minors 

For Immediate Release:
June 22, 2023

For press inquiries only, contact:
Amanda Priest (334) 322-5694
Cameron Mixon (334) 242-7491

(Montgomery) – For the past year, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall has been defending Alabama’s law prohibiting the use of experimental gender transitioning hormones and surgeries on minors. Attorney General Marshall has also been leading this fight nationally as Alabama, numerous other states, and many countries around the world have grown concerned about the skyrocketing number of children suffering from gender dysphoria and other forms of gender-related psychological distress. The Attorney General issued the following statement after submitting briefs supporting four states that are defending their bans on minors receiving experimental drugs and surgeries for gender dysphoria. The briefs were filed in support of laws in Indiana, Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Tennessee which are similar to Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act. 

“Radical advocacy groups, disguised as medical research organizations, have tragically misled and pressured some parents into believing that the only treatment for gender dysphoria is experimental drugs and surgeries,” said Attorney General Marshall. “Our briefs highlight the critical disconnect between evidence-based science and the extreme gender ideology that is causing irreparable harm to our youth.”

Marshall continued, “Medical authorities in the United Kingdom, Finland, Sweden, and Norway have all reviewed the evidence and determined that transitioning treatments, including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, are experimental. It is time for American medical organizations and advocacy groups to recognize that these types of treatments have not been proven to offer long-term improvement and can instead lead to permanent sterilization. Children suffering from gender dysphoria deserve psychological care and compassion, not mutilating experimental interventions.”

On June 2, Alabama co-led a 16-state brief in defense of Indiana’s law prohibiting physicians and other practitioners from knowingly providing gender transitioning procedures to a minor. A federal judge recently entered a preliminary injunction that enjoins the law from being enforced pending trial.

On June 6, Alabama co-led a 17-state brief in support of Tennessee’s law prohibiting physicians from providing gender transitioning procedures to minors.

On June 12, Alabama co-led an 18-state brief in support of Kentucky’s law prohibiting physicians from providing gender transitioning treatments, including medical and surgical procedures, to minors.

On June 16, Alabama co-led a 19-state brief in support of Oklahoma’s law that prohibits gender transitioning procedures for minors, including medical or surgical procedures.

Last year, Attorney General Marshall led a 20-state coalition in support of Arkansas’s defense of its similar law before the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.

In respect to Alabama’s law, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals is currently considering Alabama’s appeal of the district court’s preliminary injunction order. Trial is set to begin in April 2024.
