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For Immediate Release:
June 29, 2023

For press inquiries only, contact:
Amanda Priest (334) 322-5694
Cameron Mixon (334) 242-7491

(Montgomery) – Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall issued a statement today following the U.S. Supreme Court’s opinion in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College. In a 6-3 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts, the majority’s opinion held that racial discrimination in university admissions violates the Constitution’s prohibition on governmental discrimination based on race.  

“This landmark decision makes clear ‘the core purpose of the Equal Protection Clause: doing away with all governmentally imposed discrimination based on race.’ Ivy League appeals to diversity do not justify discriminating against prospective students based on the color of their skin,” said Attorney General Marshall.

In May 2022, Attorney General Marshall joined a coalition of 19 states supporting the challengers’ cases before the Supreme Court. The brief decried Harvard’s and the University of North Carolina’s obvious discrimination against Asian-American applicants, and demonstrated that racial discrimination in admissions is not needed to ensure that applicants have a fair shot at obtaining quality higher education.
