Requesting an Opinion
Requesting an Opinion

Requesting an Opinion from the Attorney General


An important duty of the Attorney General is to render his or her written opinion to legally eligible public officials or bodies.  Specifically, §36-15-1, Ala. Code, directs the Attorney General to exercise the authority to issue an opinion when properly requested by a qualified public official or body.  Opinions issued by the Attorney General cover numerous topics and years.

Click here for §36-15-1, Ala. Code

Requesting an Opinion

The authority for the Attorney General to issue an opinion is governed pursuant to §36-15-1, Ala. Code.

The Attorney General does not address issues concerning matters currently in litigation.

A legally eligible public official or body may request an opinion by using the Request Form below provided.  This Request Form can be filled in and saved; however, it MUST be printed, contain an original signature, and be mailed to the Attorney General’s Office.

If the opinion request is submitted by a board or governing body, a resolution from the board or governing body should also be included setting forth the facts showing the nature and character of the question that makes the advice sought necessary to the present performance of some official act that the officer must immediately perform.

Click here to access the Request Form.